We are now closed for a bit of a break, reopening on January 15th. Orders received during this time will be sent on January 15th. Have a wonderful holiday break!

How often should a piano be tuned?

A piano should be tuned at least once a year. Piano manufacturers often recommend every 6 months.

Regular tuning helps to maintain the piano at concert pitch (i.e. the standard tuning pitch of A440) and enables the technician to pick up on any small adjustments or repairs that may be needed.

On new pianos, the strings stretch a great deal during the first year after purchase, and we recommend the piano should be tuned twice during this one-year period. 

If a piano has gone three or more years without being tuned, then tuning it once often won't be enough to stabilise it. Pianos which haven't been tuned in a long time go out of tune again very quickly, so we recommend they be tuned again after about 6 months. Usually this is enough to stabilise the strings and you can drop back to tuning every year. 

We do have a few clients who prefer tunings every 6 months, usually around the spring and autumn seasons.

We are always happy to discuss with you what would suit your piano the best, so feel free to get in touch!