Easy piano arrangements of 15 classic Disney love songs.
- A Whole New World (Aladdin) [Menken, Alan] [Rice, Tim]
- Beauty And The Beast (Beauty And The Beast) [Ashman, Howard] [Menken, Alan]
- Bella Notte (This Is The Night) (Lady And The Tramp) [Lee, Peggy] [Burke, Sonny]
- Can You Feel The Love Tonight (The Lion King) [John, Elton] [Rice, Tim]
- Candle On The Water (Pete's Dragon) [Kasha, Al] [Hirschhorn, Joel]
- For Now For Always (The Parent Trap) [Sherman, Robert] [Sherman, Richard]
- How Will I Know My Love? (Mickey Mouse Club) [Funicello, Annette]
- I Bring You A Song (Bambi) [Churchill, Frank]
- If I Never Knew You (Pocahontas) [Menken, Alan]
- Lavender Blue (Dilly Dilly) [Traditional]
- Lavender Blue (So Dear To My Heart) [Taylor, Irving] [Freeman, Ticker]
- Love (Robin Hood) [Huddleston, Floyd] [Bruns, George]
- Love Is A Song (Bambi) [Morey, Larry] [Churchill, Frank]
- So This Is Love (Cinderella) [David, Mack] [Hoffman, Al] [Livingston, Jerry]
- These Are The Best Times (Superdad) [Tatum, Shane]