Famous & Fun Classics, Book 2 offers a wonderful introduction to the timeless masterpieces of the great composers. Featuring arrangements of themes from symphonic, operatic and keyboard literature, these works have been carefully selected to appeal to beginners at the early elementary/elementary level. Optional duet parts for teacher or parent.
About Alfred's Famous & Fun
The Famous and Fun Series provides valuable supplementary material that has been carefully selected for student appeal. These effective and enjoyable arrangements are accurately leveled, and are designed to supplement any piano method and provide motivating recital material.
- Can-Can (From The Operetta Orpheus In The Underworld) Performed by Jacques Offenbach/Matz
- Egyptian Ballet Dance (From The Opera Samson And Delilah) Performed by Camille Saint-Saens/Matz
- In The Hall Of The Mountain King (From Peer Gynt Suite) Performed by Edvard Grieg/Matz
- Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring Performed by Johann Sebastian Bach/Matz
- Nocturne (In E-Flat Major, Op. 9, No. 2) Performed by FrŽdŽric Chopin/Matz
- Pavane Performed by Gabriel FaurŽ/Matz
- Romance (From Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, 2Nd Movement) Performed by Matz/Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
- Rondeau (From Suite De Symphonies, No. 1) Performed by Jean-Joseph Mouret/Matz
- The Merry Widow Waltz Performed by Franz Lehar/Matz
- Theme From Fantasy-Impromptu Performed by FrŽdŽric Chopin/Matz
- Theme From Symphony No. 5 Performed by Matz/Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky
- Theme From The "Italian" Symphony (Symphony No. 4) Performed by Felix Mendelssohn/Matz
- Wild Horseman (From The Album For The Young) Performed by Matz/Robert Schumann