Ponies! Easy Piano Pieces

Ponies! Easy Piano Pieces

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Easy piano pieces with the keyboard crocodile.


Anonymus (um 1730) Quadrille
Balazs, Arpad Trotting
Bartók, Béla Play
Clarke, Jeremiah King William's March
Cornick, Mike Stepping Out
Daxböck, Karin Mountain Ride
Diabelli, Anton Allegretto
Glover, David Carr Indian Pony Race
Goedicke, Alexander Allegro moderato
Gretschaninoff, Alexander My little Horse
Gurlitt, Cornelius Pony Ride
Gurlitt, Cornelius Rocking Horse
Hässler, Johann Wilhelm Allegro
Kabalewskij, Dimitri Galloping
Knipper, Lev A Cavalry Song of the Steppes
Majkapar, Samuil In the little Garden
Nevin, Mark Chords on Parade
Norton, Christopher Galloping
Papp, Lajos The Coach rolls along
Proszynski, Stanislaw Hunting
Rier, Eduard Roundabout
Rybicki, Feliks Carousel
Rybicki, Feliks The Grashopper
Schönmehl, Mike Cowboy's Ride
Schumann, Robert The Wild Horseman
Schytte, Ludwig Andantino
Szelenij, Istvan A Gallop
Szelenij, Istvan The Horse
Takács, Jenö Cowboy Song
Weber, Carl Maria von Ballet
Weinhandl, Veronika Seahorse