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Christopher Norton - Microjazz Collection 3 Piano

Christopher Norton - Microjazz Collection 3 Piano

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Graded piano pieces in popular styles. Easy pieces in popular styles such as jazz, blues, rock 'n' roll and reggae. This collection contains all the pieces formerly contained in "Microjazz 2" and "More Microjazz 1" with some brand new pieces too! New technology brings Microjazz alive and adds an exciting interactive dimension to practice and performance. Based on classical technique, Microjazz is great way to introduce rhythm and develop co-ordination skills whilst being fun for all ages and standards. A great motivator for the reluctant student, the pieces are equally effective on acoustic or electronic instruments.


- A Sad Song

- Cycling

- Farmyard Blues

- Mechanics Rag

- Dreaming

- Steam-train Blues

- Spring Song

- Blues Duet

- In a Hurry

- Fleet Feet

- Cops and Robbers

- Feet First

- A Brief Tango

- Young at Heart

- Ostinato

- Highly Strung

- Promises

- Mix 'n' Match

- Imps

- Haiku

- Take your Time

- Wombling

- Fine Line

- Beguine

- Shoehorn Blues

- Barbed Wire Blues

- Mongoose Crawl

- Boogie

- Hungarian Stomp

- Love Song