This exciting new series by the authors of Fiddle Time, Viola Time, and Cello Time provides great new ensemble material for all string groups, whatever their size. String Time Joggers is a must-have for all those looking for imaginative and enjoyable ensemble repertoire.
- 14 fun and characterful ensemble pieces, arranged in suites for concert performance
- CD with performances and backings for all pieces
- Flexible scoring for violin, viola, cello, and double bass with piano or CD accompaniment - from two parts to massed string ensemble!
- Pieces may also be played as solos for violin, viola, or cello, with piano or CD backing
- Lively illustrations in the pupils' books
- Corresponds to the level of Fiddle Time Joggers, Viola Time Joggers, and Cello Time Joggers - part 1 uses all fingers, part 2 uses 0-1 only
Shark attack!
Barrier Reef
Cap'n Jack's Hornpipe
Simple syncopation
Feelin' blue
Broadway or bust
Tinga Layo
Jamaican lullaby
Kingston Calypso
Spy movie 2
Sad movie
Action movie
Cowboy song